credit: Institution of Engineer Malaysia |
The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) was established in 1959 and its primary function is to promote and advance the science and profession of engineering in any or all of its disciplines and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas related to engineering.
The objectives of the Institution as set out in the Constitution shall include the following:
- to hold meetings, exhibitions and visits, and such other activities as The Instituition may deem incidental or conducive to the promotion or attainment of the profession of engineering.
- to raise the character and status and advance the interests of the profession of engineering and those engaged therein;
- to promote honorable practice. and professional etiquette among members of The Instituition;
- to communicate to members information on all matters affecting the profession of engineering and to print, publish, issue and circulate such publications as may seem conducive to any of the objectives of the Institution; and
- to do such other things as the Institution may thing incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objectives of The Institution
credit to : www.myiem.org.my