Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Chikungunya (in the Makonde language "that which bends up") virus (CHIKV) is an insect-borne virus, of the genus, Alphavirus, that is transmitted to humans by virus-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. There have been recent outbreaks of CHIKV associated with severe morbidity. CHIKV causes an illness with symptoms similar to dengue fever. CHIKV manifests itself with an acute febrile phase of the illness lasts only two to five days, followed by a prolonged arthralgic disease that affects the joints of the extremities. The pain associated with CHIKV infection of the joints persists for weeks or months.

Itu definition daripada wikipedia pasal Chikungunya. Since dier ni lebih kurang macam demam denggi, so cara pembiakan dan penyebaran dier pn lebih kurang sama la. So..jom la sama2 kita bersihkan rumah dan sekeliling daripada apa2 yg boleh menjadi faktor kepada penyebaran penyakit nih dan demam denggi. Semoga keluarga kita dan orang-orang disekeliling sentiasa dijauhkan daripada bahaya.